I am honored to hold a Ph.D. degree at School of Computer Science, the University of Sydney, supervised by Professor Dacheng Tao. My academic journey commenced with a Data Science M.Sc. degree from Tsinghua University, supervised by Associate Professor Bo Yuan. Furthermore, I gained invaluable experience as a research assistant and visiting academic at the University of Melbourne, supervised by Professor Rui Zhang. I have proudly contributed to the academic community with over 30 top-tier AI research papers. In 2023, I received the Outstanding PhD Graduation Award from the University of Sydney and the Global Outstanding PhD Student Award from the China Scholarship Council.
My research spectrum encompasses diverse AI domains, including streaming label learning, continual learning, few-shot learning, meta-learning, reinforcement learning, and stock price prediction. My work is motivated by and can be applied to various real-world applications such as Stock Market, Streaming Media, Social Network, Recommendation System, and Quant Price Prediction.
I actively serve as a reviewer for prestigious journals and conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ACM MM, AAAI, IJCAI, ECCV, IEEE Transcantions, and ACM Transcantions. For a more in-depth view of my research endeavors and achievements, please visit my Google Scholar.